asdfmovie10, A New Compilation of Absurd Animated Shorts by TomSka
Thomas “TomSka” Ridgewell presents casdfmovie10, his latest compilation of absurd animated shorts, featuring animation by Ben ‘Wonchop’ Smallman and music by Todd “LilDeuceDeuce” Bryanton. Here’s…
Google Gnome Smart Yard Device
Google has launched Google Gnome, their new “smart yard” device. Google Gnome manages yard tasks like a pro. When mosquitoes start biting, it can add…
Event Sharing Service Relaunches Four Years After Being Shut Down by Yahoo
In 2003 Andy Baio launched, a service that makes it easy to share and discover events. In 2005 it was acquired by Yahoo, which…
The Stunning Title Sequence for the Starz Cable Adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Book ‘American Gods’
Elastic Studios have created an absolutely stunning, neon-lit and symbol-laden title sequence for the Starz Network series American Gods, the story of which is based…
Simon Attempts to Have Some Time to Himself Without Having to Answer to Simon’s Cat
In “Me Time“, a wonderful 11-minute compilation of early Simon’s Cat episodes, a beleaguered Simon tries to relax and have a little time to himself…
A Big Brown Dog Carries a Bright Blue Bucket With His Little Pomeranian Sister Inside
A big beautiful chocolate brown dog named Boomer carried in his mouth a bright blue bucket that held his little Pomeranian sister. While Boomer became…
Why It’s So Painful to Lose a Beloved Dog
Vox reporter Alvin Chang shared his heartbreaking personal story about his beloved dog Rainbow, whom he had to put to sleep in July 2016, after…
Google Releases a Version of Ms. Pac-Man That Can Be Played on Real Streets Using Google Maps
Google has released a version of Ms. Pac-Man that can be played real city streets using Google Maps on a mobile phone (iOS and Android)…
A Wonderful Series of Rubik’s Cube Cakes
A post shared by Cedric Grolet (@cedricgrolet) on Feb 20, 2017 at 9:28am PST Renowned French pastry chef Cedric Grolet is known for his wonderful…
AJORÍ, A Beautifully Designed Porcelain Cruet Set Inspired by the Natural Formation of a Garlic Bulb
A post shared by photoAlquimia (@photoalquimia) on Sep 10, 2016 at 6:14am PDT Spanish design firm photoAlquima has created AJORÍ, a beautiful, award-winning cruet set…