Why Arrows Change Direction When Viewed Through a Full Glass of Water
Mrs. B demonstrated how a pair of arrows facing in one direction changed to the opposite direction when viewed through a glass of water.
A 1984 Polaroid Camera Takes Photos While Flying Around Mounted on a Drone
Clark Lupton mounted a 1984 Polaroid Sun 600 camera onto his drone, which was fitted with a remote motor to click the shutter to take photos.
Why Several Cities in Germany Have Fake Bus Stops
Mind the Map explained why several cities across Germany have deliberately installed fake bus stops that don't have pickups.
‘Miniwood’, A Marvelous Compilation of Classic Movie Scenes Recreated With Action Figures
Yeti Pictures created "Miniwood", a marvelous compilation of movie scenes from the past 40 years recreated with action toys and figures.
What Would Happen If Every Human Jumped at Once
As part of their “What If?” series, Randall Munroe and Henry Reich explained what would happen if everyone in the world jumped at once.
Bob Weir Talks to Dan Rather About the Origins of the Grateful Dead
Bob Weir sat down with veteran reporter Dan Rather of The Big Interview to talk about the origins of the Grateful Dead.
‘Beavis and Butt-Head’ Doppelgängers Unwittingly Derail a News Program About AI on Saturday Night Live
Doppelgängers of Beavis and Butt-Head unwittingly derailed a news interview about AI in a hilarious Saturday Night Live sketch.
A Clear Simulation of the Inevitable Chaos Within a Three-Body Problem
Dr. Danail Obreschkow of Scientificus explained the concept and chaos of a "Three-Body Problem" through a precise simulation.
The Unique Design of a Zero Gravity Cup That Helps Astronauts Drink in Space
James of The Action Lab explained how astronauts are able to drink in space using a cleverly designed vessel that does not rely on gravity.
Rescued Rats Learn How to Drive Their Custom Cars
Rescued rats named Kuzko and Kronk have learned how to drive tiny custom-built motorized cars with help from their humans.