Old Spice Builds a Robotic Kraken That Can Be Controlled Through a Twitch Gaming Stream
As a unique way of introducing the Krakengärd Wild Collection (“for seafaring adventurists”) – their new line of men’s bath products, the creative folks at Old Spice have built a robotic Kraken that can be controlled over the internet through a video game interface by eight people at one time. The project, known as S.Q.U.I.D. (Shared Quests Uniting Individual Dudes) will premiere on Twitch on Friday, May 19th and will run through Sunday, May 21st.
What will happen when 8 people stop being strangers and start being part of a marketing ploy in which they become a functioning mega unit that controls a robotic Kraken on the internet? Honestly, we don’t know.
via The Awesomer