‘Everyday’, An NFT Collection of Noah Kalina’s 8,402 Daily Self-Portraits That Were Taken Over 23 Years

Everyday Noah Kalina NFT

Noah Kalina has taken a photo of himself every day over the past 23 years, as documented in his ongoing “Everyday” project. Kalina began taking the photos on January 11, 2000, and has since released videos that show his progress. He’s also influenced others to make similar videos of their own and was the inspiration for an episode of The Simpsons in which Homer took a picture of himself every day of his life.

Now Kalina has launched the “Everyday” website, a place where all his photos are available to view and be sorted by their various properties.

As of January 10, 2023, the Everyday project includes a collection of 8402 photographs. The project will reach its 10,000th day on May 27, 2027. The collection will continue until the end of Noah’s life, which is currently unknown.

Also each photo is now available to purchase as an NFT.

Noah had always intended for Everyday to be a stills photography project utilizing digital technology. The aim of this website coupled with NFT technology is to allow for there to be a permanent record of the work available online, hopefully forever. …Each day in the Everyday project can be minted only once as an NFT. To mint a day, you will need to connect your wallet to the everyday.photo website and navigate to one you wish to mint.


Here are Kalina’s past videos and posts.

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.