Eerily Beautiful Sculptures That Realistically Portray the Eyes From Real and Imagined Animals
Reptile Eye
Italian architect Stefano Prina departed from his studied profession to create an incredible line of eerily beautiful “Monster Eyes”, sculptures crafted from acrylic resin inside a wooden shell that realistically portray the ocular orbs of all sorts of animals, both real and imaginary.
For a number of years, inspired by the extraordinary expressive eye of my adored dog, Luchino, my research brought me on the trail of the creation of eyes. …I believe that the idea at the foundation of all this has to do with the magic and wonder that one feels observing the shape and forms of life through the real and true marvel of evolution that is the eye, the organ that absorbs light and allows our perception of the world. In any case, apart from any explanation, I would like my eyes to be a single, joyous moment of wonder for those who observe them.
Assortment of Eyes
Goat Eye
Owl Eye
Basilik Eye
Violet Eye – Small Ring
The Artist and the Monoculus