Rescued Baby Mini-Horse Is Quickly Outgrowing Her Human’s House

A baby mini-horse named Addie, who was rejected by her mother and found starving in a field, was hand-raised inside the home of a generous woman named Catharine and her family. At first, they were concerned that Addie might die if she didn’t eat.

We could tell that the baby had not eaten yet. My son and his girlfriend they helped trying to get her to nurse and every time we brought her near Mom, she would kick her feet at her. That was a clue right there something was off. And within a few hours we knew she had to eat or she wasn’t going to make it. We just decided to take it day by day.

Not only did Addie not succumb, but she thrived. Catharine was thrilled, albeit not as thrilled, to have her home destroyed by a growing mini-horse. But, being that Addie was still bottle feeding and bonded with the family dogs, she didn’t mind it that much.

Our house is definitely not made for a horse so we have moved our kitchen island out of the kitchen it’s pretty much destroyed now anyway she’s chewed most of it. …every noise I hear I jump up to see what she’s destroying. … I don’t think she knows she’s a horse yet so she connects with people and dogs really easy. We have two adopted dogs at the house. the male and she are pretty Inseparable. Her and Marlin they run together, they play together, and they’re usually laying around together. It’s other horses that she has trouble with.

Now that Addie is almost outgrowing their house, Catharine takes her out to a farm where she can run, play, and learn her place amongst other horses.

There’s a hierarchy with any herd and she is definitely the low person on the hierarchy but she’s learning to be with them more and more and she’s getting a little more bold which is a good thing.

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.