Man Follows a Random Lemon Rolling Down a Hilly Street in San Diego For About a Quarter Mile
After walking home after his run, San Diego resident Mike Sakasegawa discovered a random lemon rolling down the same hilly street. He followed the wandering lemon for about a quarter-mile until it stopped, then parted ways. After a while, however, Sakasegawa felt bad for the lemon and decided to go back for it, take it home and clean it up a bit. The lemon is still sitting in Sakasegawa’s house.
The lemon is still intact, in my kitchen, and I don’t know what I’m going to do with it yet.
I felt bad about leaving the large lemon in the gutter so I went back, retrieved it, took it home, and washed it off.
— Mike Sakasegawa (@sakeriver) July 11, 2018
Look at this absolute unit.
— Mike Sakasegawa (@sakeriver) July 11, 2018
After the lemon went viral, Sports Center remixed the footage with a professional announcer calling the plays.
You're gonna wanna turn the volume up for this highlight.
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) July 13, 2018