Lasting Statement, The Final Words of Offenders Executed in Texas

Mikel Derrick

I just ask everybody I ever hurt or done anything wrong to, to just forgive me for whatever wrongs I done to them.

Mikel Derrick, 33
Harris county

With the design help of Timoni West, Andy Smith has created a poignant website called Lasting Statement that presents the final statements and some images of theh “men and women who have been executed by the state of Texas since 1982.” He explains on his blog that he ran into the statements on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice website, found them deeply moving and wanted to present them in a more personable format.

John Barefield

Tell Mama I love her.

John Barefield, 32
Harris county

Patrick Knight

Yes, I do. I thank the Lord for giving me my friends, for getting me the ones I love. Lord reach down and help innocent men on death row. Lee Taylor needs help, Bobby Hines, Steve Woods. Not all of us are innocent, but those are. Cleve Foster needs help. Melyssa, I love you girl. I know I wasn’t going to say anything, but I’ve got to. Jack, Irene, Danny, Doreen, I love you guys. I said I was going to tell a joke. Death has set me free. That’s the biggest joke, I deserve this. And the other joke is I am not Patrick Bryan Knight, and ya’ll can’t stop this execution now. Go ahead, I’m finished. Come on, tell me Lord. I love you Melyssa, take care of that little monster for me.

Patrick Knight, 39
Randall county

via Reoriginalize

images via Lasting Statement

Rusty Blazenhoff
Rusty Blazenhoff