Justin.tv Drinkup at Zeitgeist


Laughing Squid is organizing a Drinkup with Justin.tv tomorrow night (Sunday, March 25th) at Zeitgeist in San Francisco starting at 7pm. Come out and have some beers with Justin Kan and the crew from Justin.tv. If you can’t make it, just tune in and watch the live online stream.

Zeitgeist has a large outdoor patio and a great selection of beer. Of course, this is San Francisco, so it will probably be cold out back, so dress warmly.

Laughing Squid will buy a couple of pitchers to start things off and we might try another experiment with Spontaneous Microsponsorships.

Feel free to spread the word via Twitter, Upcoming.org and all of the usual channels.

For more on Justin.tv, see my previous posts “Justin.tv: The 24/7 Human Video Stream” and “Late Night With Justin.tv, So Meta It Hurts”

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.