Innovative LED Lights With Plants Inside That Thrive in Environments Without Natural Light

Emilia Lucht and Arne Sebrantke of the German design studio We Love Eames have created the Mygdal Plantlight, an innovative LED lamp that uniquely houses and protects green plants that thrive in environments without natural light or a specific water source. Anyone with or without a green thumb can successfully keep these plants alive under their watch. The lamp is also unique due to how it powers itself. Per We Love Eames, the bulb uses electricity conducting glass to power the LED.

The plant light makes use of the physical similarity between Led and sunlight. Thus, the plants can perform photosynthesis. The luminaire is a completely self-sustaining ecosystem where the plants can grow undisturbed for years. The standing lamp provides a new type of electrically conductive glass coating (patent requested), which is able to stream the electricity invisible along the surface. There is no longer a cable connection between the power source and the Led necessary. This technical innovation opens up absolutely new opportunities in greenery design.





Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.