A Joyful Needle Felted Stop Motion Animation for Ingrid Michaelson’s ‘Merry Christmas, Happy New Year’
The stop motion video for the holiday song “Merry Christmas, Happy New Year” by Ingrid Michaelson and Zooey Deschanel features the cozy home of two-needle felted rabbits in love. The rabbits, their home, other woodland creatures, and everything going on around them were all crafted by the very talented materials artist/animator Andrea Love.
Michaelson was thrilled to have both Love and Phoebe Wahl direct this video.
The Official Video for “Merry Christmas, Happy New Year” is here! I have always wanted to have a true stop animation holiday music video. …Andrea Love and Phoebe Wahl are magic makers and created a whole beautiful pure sweet world around our song. Watch it and let that smile go from your face to your heart.