Frank Chu Located on Google Maps Street View, Plus Others

Frank Chu on Google Maps Street View

Allan Hough just made an amazing discovery. He found the legendary Frank Chu on the streets of San Francisco using the new Google Maps Street View feature that was released yesterday. Frank’s image was captured at 24 Willie Mays Plaza outside of AT&T Park during a San Francisco Giants game. Frank is always trying to get on camera, so he should be pretty happy about this new outlet to help get the world out about his ongoing saga of the 12 Galaxies.

Could it be that Frank Chu is a Google Maps easter egg? That would be great.

Something tells me that this is just the beginning. People are going to start digging up all kinds of interesting stuff people will start using new image data tools like Street View.

UPDATE 1: Niall Kennedy points out that the Street View team at Google posted for a photo that can be found while navigating the Google campus. [via Simon Willison]

UPDATE 2: Christine has found Bushman’s bush, but where is San Francisco’s world famous busker Bushman? Maybe he scared the camera crew away?

UPDATE 3: Far out man, Mark Celsor found a hippie icon in Berkeley.

UPDATE 4: streetviewr just launched, tracking all kinds of interesting locations on Google Street View.

UPDATE 5: RICK! points out a possible break-in in progress or maybe he just locked himself out.

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Threads and sharing photos on Instagram.