Artist Cleverly Wraps Cars to Look Like They’re From Monochrome Pop Art Comics
Artist Joshua Vides very cleverly wrapped a number of cars so that they looked they belonged in monochrome Pop Art comics.

Little Orange Kitten Copies Everything His Big Black German Shepard Brother Does
After a little orange tabby kitten was brought home to a big German shepherd, the kitten started copying everything the dog does.

How the Real Sam Gamgee Contacted J.R.R. Tolkien When He Learned His Name Was in ‘Lord of the Rings’
Celebreabird shared the story of how a man named Sam Gamgee wrote J.R.R. Tolkien in 1956 after he found out that his name was used in LOTR.

Posha – A Kitchen Robot That Cooks Programmed Recipes Like a Private Chef
Posha is a small kitchen robot that sits on a countertop and automatically cooks programmed recipes with fresh ingredients.

Rage Against the Machine’s ‘Killing In the Name’ Sung in the Distinctive Style of David Bowie’s ‘Let’s Dance’
Anthony Vincent of Ten Second Songs covered Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" in the style of David Bowie' "Let's Dance".

‘Severance For Introverts’ – For Those Who Prefer to Let Their Outie Do All the Socializing
Leigh Lahav and Oren Mendez created "Severance for Introverts" for those like to spend time indoors while their outie faces the real world.

How Mid-Century ‘Emojis’ Were Created on Typewriters
Artist Brooke Connor explained how people created "emojis" on typewriters during the mid-20th century by typing combinations of characters.

What Drinking Saltwater From the Ocean Does to the Human Body
In a quenching TED-Ed Lesson, Manish Kumar explains what happens to the human body when saltwater from the ocean is ingested.

Man Builds Ten Different Cat Forts Inside His House
Half-Asleep Chris built ten different cat forts, each of different materials, inside his house to see how his kitties would react to them.

Two Pairs of Identical Twins Perform a Nordic-Inspired Harp and Drum Cover of Black Sabbath’s ‘Paranoid’
The Harp Twins joined with the Vølfgang Twins to perform a Nordic inspired drum and harp cover of the classic Black Sabbath song "Paranoid".