Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream, A Touching Animation About an Unlikely Friendship Between a Dog and Cat
“Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream” is a wonderfully touching animation about the enduring friendship between a brown dog and a white cat who follow each other around town, each coaxing wagging tails and soft purrs from the other. The animation was made by graphic artist Steve Cowden whose family had been mourning the tragic death of Cowden’s nephew in December 2019 when Cowden’s son Trent began playing a jaunty little tune on the piano, and Cowden’s twin brother Scott joined in with the titular words. Cowden later provided the animation. Cowden spoke with Oregon Live about the project.
My son, Trent, began spontaneously playing a sentimental tune on the piano. My twin brother, Scott, joined in with singing the words ‘chocolate cake and ice cream. The silly words seemed to lighten our heavy hearts. I came alongside, and we all sang in harmony together. It was just a jingle at the time, but it stuck with me. After returning to Oregon, while commuting to work, I made the jingle into a song. Trent and I recorded it, and then I decided to make the song into a story.
The first few lines of the song are particularly heartbreaking.
I’ll always treasure these times forever. And whenever I see your smile. Some things are better when they’re together. So let’s never say good-bye.