CELLspace Commemorates 15th Birthday With Week Long Celebration


CELLspace, one of our favorite venues in San Francisco, is commemorating their 15th birthday with a week long celebration.

Since 1996 “The Best Multiuse Facility” (SF Guardian) in San Francisco has played host to every type of artistic, creative project imaginable. CELLspace has enabled tens of thousands of artists and spectators to experience the rich creative culture of the Bay Area. To rejoice in these past 15 years of providing “a safe and supportive public environment for the exploration of art, education, performance and community building”, the artists, workers, and volunteers of 2050 Bryant would like to invite you all to spend some time with us during the first week of May. We have something for everyone so hope to see you at the space that is CELLspace.

We have been involved with many events at CELLspace over they years, including organizing the Playa Dust Lounge in 1996 (the first Burning Man Decompression event), the Laughing Squid Analog Cafe: 2.0 in 1999, Laughing Squid Lucky 13 in 2008 and of course Scott and Lori’s wedding in 2001.

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.