A Growing Baby Elephant Adorably Disrupts the Home of the Generous Woman Who Took Her In
In an adorable preview for the BBC Earth Show Nature’s Miracle Orphans, a heartily growing rescued baby elephant named Moyo (mistakenly identified as male) is a veritable “bull in a china shop” when roaming around the house at at the Wild Is Life Zen Sanctuary in Zimbabwe.
Unaware of her increasing girth, little Moyo follows her adopted mom Roxy Danckwerts everywhere she goes despite the fact that she’s growing too big to be inside. Moyo was the first elephant rescued by the sanctuary.
Moyo was our first elephant that we rescued. She was found alone, as a tiny little baby on the shores of Lake Kariba. Efforts to find her herd were fruitless and there were no elephants in the area. After a 4 days of being alone Moyo was followed by a pack of hyenas. ZEN therefore decided to intervene. We flew a plane to Kariba and collected Moyo and brought her back to Harare. She was extremely small, weighing only 56kg on arrival! (Healthy elephants are usually 90kg at birth) She now weighs 300kg and is growing up very well.