Pet Intervention, A Comedic Series Where Dogs Courageously Confront Their Out-Of-Control Addictions
“Rusty, The Booze Hound” Watch Rusty, a German Shepherd, fight his demons with the help of his fellow policemen. With their support, can Rusty learn…
Happy Little Baby Elephant Frolicking in the Ocean
A happy little baby elephant frolics in the ocean waves in Phuket, Thailand before participating in a wedding ceremony. video via moddum, April 2011
The Last Barfighter, A Beer-Dispensing Arcade Game
“To the victor goes the pour.” “The Last Barfighter” is a “beercade” arcade video game machine developed by employees of Durham-based ad agency McKinney for…
Death in America, A Chart of the Unlikely Ways to Die
The Economist created “Death in America,” a chart based on 2008 National Safety Council stats which compares ways we are “unlikely to die” in America.…
Harrison Ford Returning to Star Wars as Han Solo
It is being reported by Umberto “El Mayimbe” Gonzalez of Latino Review that actor Harrison Ford is returning to Star Wars to reprise his role…
Star Trek Bloopers, An Epic 41-Minute Outtake Reel
IITREKKIEII has put together an epic 41-minute compilation of bloopers & outtakes from many year’s worth of Star Trek. via Cinema Blend, io9
Goats Yelling Like People, A Supercut Video
RSVLTS has made this supercut video of goats and sheep yelling like people.
Meteor Streaks Over Russia, Blast Injures Nearly 1,000 People
A hole in the ice of Chebarkul Lake where a meteorite struck the lake. photo by Raša tudej via Kurir Estimated as weighing over 10…
Film Love, A Valentine’s Day Card Hidden in a 35mm Canister
Doc Pop hid a cute Valentine’s Day card inside of a reloadable 35mm canister. It reads: “I <3 how things have developed.” Aww… Doc Pop…
Tattooed Bananas
Honey of Sweet Station uses a safety pin to carefully prick tattoos of pop culture icons into the skin of bananas. She says, “I spend…