Adam Savage Weathers a Duck Pez Dispenser for a ‘Silo’ Season 2 Panel at San Diego Comic-Con
Adam Savage was given a brand new Pez dispenser with a duck at the top, similar to the one featured in the Apple+ series Silo, with the assignment to age it appropriately. He was moderating a panel for the second season of the show at the San Diego Comic-Con 2024, and the prop needed to be properly weathered beforehand. Savage shared his detailed process of making the prop look like it’s been around a very long time.
Last summer, Adam was invited to moderate the “Silo” Season 2 panel at San Diego Comic-Con. And leading up to Comic-Con, Adam was given a prop from the production to weather and bring to the Silo fan event. Adam documented his weathering process and gives a quick walkthrough of how he approaches painting and distressing small hand props!