A Pet Sized Piano For Cats and Dogs That Releases Food When the Keys Are Pressed

Filmmaker Aaron Benitez of Aaron’s Animals created the very clever Pet Piano, an enrichment tool for cats and dogs that releases food whenever the keys are pressed. Music and treats, excellent combination.

A smart feeder that provides enrichment by dispensing food when played. It adapts to your pet’s abilities so they continue to stay challenged and engaged. …The piano’s consistent reward mechanism simulates foraging behavior, while boosting your pet’s cognitive development and mood.

The Pet Piano is available for pre-order, with shipment planned for October 2024.

Pre Orders will start shipping in October 2024. 

In the meanwhile, Benitez has been spending time teaching his cat Michael to play classical music.

I taught my cat to play Mozart. ….Teaching my cat to play Beethoven with Classical Conditioning.

Benitez also put a Pet Piano at the Cat Cafe Lounge in Los Angeles, California and elsewhere to help foster adoptions.

The pet piano has been used in shelters across the country to provide enrichment and increase adoption rates

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.