Embroidered Patches for Every Pennsylvania State Park That Will Help Raise Funds for the Parks
Freelance designer and illustrator Caleb Heisey has started the Pennsylvania Patch Coalition, a project where he is designing a beautiful collection of embroidered patches for each of the 121 Pennsylvania state parks. Every patch will capture the unique character of each state park. Caleb is currently raising funds on Kickstarter to help with manufacturing costs. Once the project is funded, Heisey will open an online to sell his patches. “A portion of the proceeds from that shop will go directly to the PPFF (Pennsylvania Parks & Forest Foundation.)”
For the past 4 years I have been working to bring the Pennsylvania Patch Coalition to life. Our goal is to design and embroider a patch for each park in PA (121 in total!) Pennsylvania continues the great tradition of free admission and parking to all of its parks – and we’d like to keep it that way. Access to public park land is essential to community recreation, and we believe with increased awareness and state-wide stewardship our parks will be free and unchanged for the next generation.