Month July 2020
A Magnificent 425 Million Image Timelapse That Documents the Activities of the Sun Over 10 Years
On the tenth anniversary of the Solar Dynamics Observatory being in space, the Goddard Flight Space Center of NASA shared an absolutely magnificent timelapse that…
Slow Motion Footage of Popping a Balloon Inside a Balloon Inside a Balloon Inside a Balloon
The King of Random nested balloons of different sizes inside of each other in order to see what popping them would look like in slow motion.
How the Use of a Green Screen Can Go Wrong
In a cloaking episode of Things You Might Not Know, host Tom Scott and series animator William Marler amusingly demonstrate the many ways in which…
Chicken Bursts Out Into Humanlike Laughter Whenever Her Human Tickles Her Feathery Sides
A rescued chicken named Francis burst out into bubbly, anthropomorphic laughter whenever Backs tickled her feathery sides.
Whimsical Cartoon Style ‘Broken’ Furniture
New Zealand carpenter Henk Herhoeff builds fabulous pieces of whimsical furniture featuring crooked angles and broken lines that make them look as if they should…