Johnny Cash Discusses His Sideburns, The Gospel And Dressing In Black In 1996 Interview Animated By PBS
The most recent episode of the PBS animated series Blank on Blank features the late great Johnny Cash in a 1996 interview with author and music critic Barney Hoskyns . During the interview Johnny discusses his sideburns, the gospel, dealing with pain, dressing in black and going on tour.
Barney Hoskins: Do you really need to tour so much? Do you need to work so hard and drive yourself so hard?
Johnny Cash: For my soul I do. Yeah, for my soul. It’s a gift. My mother always told me that any talent is a gift of God and I always believed it. If I quit, I would just live in front of the television and get fat and die pretty soon. So I don’t want to do that. You know I just hope and pray I can die with my boots on. I’ve been in hospital beds and I don’t want to end it up there.
image by Robert Seebree