Why Some US Cities Changed Their Original Names
Tom Blank of Weird History looks back at why some cities in the United States changed their original names to what they are in the present day. The reasons for the respective changes include making the town name easier to say, publicity reasons, a game show, political disagreements, or just plain creativity.
Most folks don’t put much thought into how various cities in the United States got their name except for the people in charge of naming them. That doesn’t mean these city namers got it right the first time, though. A lot of famous American cities have changed their names over the years.
These cities include Cincinnati, OH (formerly Losantville), Truth or Consequences, NM (formerly Hot Springs), Atlanta, GA (formerly Marthasville), Kalamazoo, MI (formerly Bronson), Phoenix, AZ (formerly Mill City), Roanoke, VA (formerly Big Lick), Pittsburgh, PA (formerly Pittsbourgh), and Sleepy Hollow, NY (formerly North Tarrytown).