Why Some People Snore Louder Than Others
In a restless Ted-Ed lesson written by Alayna Vaughan, directed by Rémi Cans of Boniato Studio, and animated by Andy Redwood, narrator Pen-Pen Chen explains the reasons why people snore, and why some snore louder than others.
A leather mask that clamps the mouth shut. A cannonball sewn into a soldier’s uniform. A machine that delivers sudden electrical pulses. These were all treatments for a problem that has haunted humanity for millennia: snoring. It might seem harmless, but snoring can be a sign of something more dangerous. So, what exactly causes snoring?
Chen explains that snoring is the result of restricted airways during sleep. She further explains that snoring occurs in people with certain physical traits such as a thick neck or a small jaw. The consumption of alcohol before bed is also a factor that causes snoring. As is weight and sleeping position. While snoring is not always dangerous, it can be indicative of a more serious condition in some people.
Most of us will snore at some point in our lives. But loud, chronic snoring is one sign of a sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. It affects about a quarter of all adults, but it’s estimated that around 80% of people who suffer from it aren’t aware they have it. This is especially troublesome because it can lead to serious cardiovascular issues. Obstructive sleep apnea is usually caused by blockages in the airway and is mainly characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep.
Some ways to help relieve loud snoring include reducing weight, refraining from alcohol before bed, ensuring your head is elevated for sleep, and none of that works, perhaps a good pair of noise-canceling headphones for your partner will do the trick.