A Vacuum Cleaner Attachment That Sorts LEGO By Size

Matty Benedetto of the hilarious self-explanatory parody products site Unnecessary Inventions built a LEGO vacuum cleaner attachment that actually sorts bricks by size. Benedetto named this unique device “The Lego Suck It!™?”, the name of which was inspired by Michael Scott of The Office.

The Lego Suck It!™? The world’s first vacuum powered LEGO cleanup device that automatically sorts each brick by its individual size.

The Lego Suck It!™? features three different chambers that sift bricks according to size. Each chamber sports a different color and is connected magnetically to the others.

This vibrant cleaning accessory features a multi-stage chamber that magnetically separates for quick organization of your favorite toy bricks. The high suction vacuum will ensure every brick is sucked up from your floors and swiftly deposited into the clear tube as each lego piece cascade down and get sorted into their different sizes. So when things get messy, just SUCK IT!

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.