A Beautiful Film About a Solitary Watchmaker Who Finds Order in a Chaotic World by Repairing Timepieces
“The Watchmaker” is a beautiful, award-winning short documentary by filmmaker Marie-Cécile Embleton about a solitary Iranian-British man named Faramarz, who finds personal peace in the calm order of his craft while a chaotic world goes on around him. Embleton had just moved to London when she came upon Faramarz’s shop in the eastern part of the city and became immediately enraptured with the horologist.
A poetic portrait of an iranian watchmaker, whose philosophical musings on craft invite us to reflect on how we engage with time in a fast-paced world. Moving between his colourful pared-down home and the streets and windswept marshes of east london, we discover the horologist’s ascetic and beautiful private world.
via The Atlantic