The Tom Waits Map, An Interactive Map of Every Location Mentioned In the Songs of Tom Waits

The Tom Waits Map

Jonas Nordström, a WordPress developer in Landskrona, Sweden, has built “The Tom Waits Map“, an incredible interactive map that plots every location mentioned in Tom Waits‘ songs. Jonas matched all of the locations to the corresponding lyrics, songs and albums, then linked the song titles to Spotify wherever possible. He’s currently accepting donations through PayPal to keep this project going.

Cliffs of Dover - Buzz Fledderjohn
Cliffs of Dover, UKBuzz Fledderjohn, Orphans

Coney Island - Table Top Joe
Coney Island, Brooklyn, United StatesTable Top Joe, Alice

East St Louis - Time
East St. Louis, United StatesTime, Rain Dogs

Iowa, United StatesHeart Attack and Vine, Heart Attack and Vine

Melbourne, AustraliaTown With No Cheer, Swordfishtrombones

Speaking as a dedicated Raindog, something like this wonderful map has been long overdue.

images via The Tom Waits Map

via Tom Waits

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.