The Jewish Hunger Games: Kvetching Fire, A Parody Movie Trailer of ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’
Comedian Jon Rudnitsky has created “The Jewish Hunger Games: Kvetching Fire,” a parody movie trailer based on the upcoming film sequel The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. The trailer follows Katniss Everstein (Renee Roth) as she battles the many temptations that stand in her way on Yom Kippur. It was written by Jack Michelman and Jon Rudnitsky and directed by Andrew Zenn of Zenn Films.
Every year, the Chosen People of Israel must fast atone for their sins. “May the lox be ever in your flavor!”
Here is a behind the scenes look at the parody:
videos via Jon Rudnitsky and Zenn Comedy
via Gothamist