San Francisco Urban Iditarod 09, Reopened to Public

guest post by RICK!


Urban Iditarod has grown from its humble Cacophony beginnings in 1994, from a few friends to the last public event in 2006 of nearly 700. Its spawned similar races in Portland, Chicago, Phoneix, NYC.

2007 did not happen for various legal and logistical reasons, and a new route in 2008 with a select group was created. I am happy to say it was a success last year and I am reopening Urban Iditarod to public participation.

Urban Iditarod 09
Meet: ATT Park at Willie Mays Statue
Saturday, March 7th
We mush at 1pm, bitches!
$20 per team regardless of team size.

Costumes required, bring your own shopping cart. Remember first one across the finish line loses, and doubly so if your a member of the Hash Hound Harriers.

UPDATE: Here are some photos from San Francisco Urban Iditarod 2009.

photo by RICK!


Rick Abruzzo has been involved in numerous fringe and culture jamming art events in his hometown of San Francisco, notably Urban Golf, Urban Iditarod, 9.8th Fighting Kite Brigade and the Cacophony Society.