Beautifully Detailed Samurai Bottle Helmets


Tadayasu Co., Ltd. in Japan has introduced its series of intricately designed Samurai bottle helmets. These designs were created in the likeness of the same kabuto helmets worn by such well-known Japanese warlords as Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu, Lord Oda Nobunaga, Lord Uesugi Kenshin, Lord Sanada Yukimura, and Lord Date Masamune. In such company as this, on can certainly rest assure that their beer and/or wine remains completely safe from incoming invaders.

The helmets of historic warlords add the sublime to your contemporary lifestyle. The Samurai Bottle Helmet was given birth by our desire to have people gain a stronger sense of familiarity with the traditional craftsmanship of Edo armor. We hope that you will have a wonderful experience with your favorite article of rare beauty.





via The Awesomer

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.