Party Like it’s 01.20.09
It’s hard to believe it’s almost here, but January 20th is right around the corner. Are you ready for the Big Day? If you still don’t have your tickets for the Inaugural, and you don’t have an extra thousand bucks to bid on one, you can celebrate in San Francisco at the End of Bush Street for free, or make the scene at any number of like-minded events across the nation. Or maybe you’re planning to throw your own little shindig – don’t forget the party balloons!/
Speaking of merchandise, prices have been slashed on all your favorite “Countdown to 01.20.09” accessories. So if you’ve been holding off on getting an LED countdown clock for your cube, you’d better hurry – these babies are definitely not Y2.01K compliant.
Or if you’re more elephantastically inclined, you might want to trumpet your GOP-ness with some of that new “Countdown to 01.20.13” gear. Shout it loud and proud to your neighbors that you can’t wait to “Take Back our Country” from the Dems.
But regardless of your political persuasion, how could you not want to own a handsome Obama Inaugural plate or coffee mug? Remember: the more you spend, the faster our economy recovers. Or how about a few Obama commemorative non-legal-tender coins from the Franklin Mint? Now there’s some change you can believe in – and actually jingle in your pocket!
“End Bush” photo by Jef Poskanzer, images via Obama’s First Day and