Upcoming 2.0, A New Hope

Last Thursday our friends over at Upcoming released their latest version of Upcoming, which as expected included integration with Yahoo!, via a new url [upcoming.yahoo.com]…

Dilettante by Summer Burkes

My good friend Summer Burkes just launched her new blog, Dilettante. Some of you who have been in San Francisco for a while may recall…

Hal Robins Art Show: Dragonolatry

Selected drawing and watercolors from Hal Robins’ recent Ornaments of Evolution art show in New York, have moved to San Francisco for a new show,…

Podcast Hotel 3 Photos

I stopped by Podcast Hotel 3 a few times on Friday and Saturday, taking a few photos here and there, mostly on Saturday. I was…

Goatse.cx Is For Sale

The notorious domain goatse.cx is being sold through an online auction. The minimum bid is $4000. You know you want it. via » Fimoculous via…

Tour of NASA Ames Research Center

Last Friday, before the amazing Yuri’s Night event, I was invited on a Yuri’s Night tour of the NASA Ames Research Center located at Moffett…