Whoosh Boom Splat by Bill Gurstelle

Bill Gurstelle, who is organizing the King of Fling Catapult Contest at Maker Faire 2007, has a new book out, “Whoosh Boom Splat: The Garage…

Adult Swim Previews on Zune

500 special edition [adult swim] branded Zunes were given out last night at the annual Turner Broadcasting/Cartoon Network “up-front” season preview event. These will not…

Yahoo 404

Yahoo! 404

As seen by jkenning at a recent San Francisco Giants game. I bet people had a hard time finding their seats in that section. For…

LED Digg Button Kit by Adafruit Industries

Last Thursday at the Digg Million User Celebration, Ladyada of Adafruit Industries and Phillip Torrone (Make Magazine) debuted their new, open source Digg Button Kits…