Jones’ Big Ass Truck Rental & Storage
Jones’ Big Ass Truck Rental & Storage, brought to you by Big Dog Eat Child. via The Sound of Young America
Darth Ticket Validator
While making my way on the tram through Vienna, Austria I felt a felt a strange pull to the dark side. I turned around and…
What If Akira Was Made For An American Audience?
Harry Partridge envisions what the classic anime film Akira would be like if it were made for an American audience. On a related note, Leonardo…
They Might Be Giants T-Shirt: The Machine & The Squid
Hine Mizushima has created an awesome new t-shirt “The Machine & The Squid” for They Might Be Giants.
The Space Between, Short Story Fiction About Bridges by John Law
Laughing Squid head of “special projects” John Law has just made his literary debut with “The Space Between”, a new book of short story fiction…
Problems With FeedBurner Email Delivery For The Squid List
Since October subscribers to The Squid List have had problems receiving email from the list. Email subscriptions for The Squid List are handled by FeedBurner…
Remi Kart, A Real World Version of Mario Kart by Remi Gaillard
“Remi Kart” is the latest video from French prankster Rémi Gaillard, where he dressed up as Mario and drove a go-cart around the streets of…
Star Wars: Live on Stage at The Dark Room
San Francisco’s Dark Room Theater has delivered stage versions of numerous films over the years, from Clue to The Princess Bride to The Ten Commandments.…
Monty Python: The Dead Parrot Sketch
Monty Python just uploaded their infamous “Dead Parrot Sketch” to their recently launched YouTube channel. The sketch is from the 8th episode of the first…
Laughing Squid Coffee Mug
After many years on hiatus, the Laughing Squid coffee mugs have finally returned and are now available for $10 through the Laughing Squid online store.…