30 Horrible Electrical Accidents, Illustrations From A 1931 Book
Bre Pettis has uploaded 30 illustrations of electrical accidents from the 1931 book “Elektroschutz in 132 Bildern”. I find these images to be quite “shocking”.
Flickr Improves Contact Management
Finally! Flickr has improved how it manages contacts. I’ve wanted this feature since I first started using Flickr back in early 2005. The changes can…
Dropbox, Secure File Syncing, Storage & Sharing
I’ve been using Dropbox, which lauched in September, to do secure file syncing between multiple computers, both Mac and PC (it also works with Linux).…
CELLspace Launches Project 2048 Artist in Residency Program
CELLspace, an amazing community arts space in San Francisco where we’ve had many events in the past (including May’s Laughing Squid Lucky 13 party), has…
Laughing Squid Lucky 13 Poster Added To Poster Set
The beautiful poster created by Adam Koford (aka Apelad) for our Laughing Squid Lucky 13 event back in May has been added to the Laughing…
WordPress 2.7, Featuring a Redesigned Interface and Built-In Upgrades
WordPress 2.7 (“Coltrane”) has just been released. This new version of WordPress includes a completely redesigned dashboard and posting screen with drag-and-drop customization. Another new…
Refuse To Live Vicariously – Please Help Support NIMBY
NIMBY (the DIY art space that was recently shut down following a small fire) has secured a new location, but $22,000 $14,700 $12,900 is still needed for…
40th Anniversary of The Mother of All Demos by Douglas C. Engelbart
Today is the 40th anniversary of The Mother of All Demos presented by Douglas C. Engelbart on December 9th, 1968 at Fall Joint Computer Conference…
Complaints Choirs Worldwide
Since 2005, people in cities worldwide have organized to complain through song (rather than Twitter, blogs or talk radio) ever since two Helsinkians plotted to…
Wall-E and Katamari Damacy Bento Box Art
Anna has been making her boyfriend Derek a really creative series of Bento Box art, including a Wall-E version and another commemorating Katamari Damacy.