Twitter Celebrates 5th Birthday

Jack Dorsey sent out the first ever Tweet 5 years ago today. In honor of their 5th Birthday, Twitter has posted “Follow Your Interests. Discover…

Portal 2 TV Spot

Portal 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2007 game by Valve, is scheduled for release on April 19th and is currently available for pre-order.…

Billboard Converted Into A Swing Set

“Double Happiness,” is a billboard reinvented as swing set by architect Didier Faustino. The piece was part of the 2009 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennial of…

Laughing Squid Curated Page on Kickstarter

We now have a Laughing Squid Curated Page on Kickstarter where we will be highlighting some of our favorite Kickstarter projects. Wooster Collective, Creative Commons…