Newcomer Gets His First Experience With Specific Colloquial Terms Used In the Southern United States

Comedian Marshall Patrick amusingly demonstrated the linguistic differences between different parts of the United States by acting out how a newcomer would react to specific colloquial terms used predominantly in the south for the first time.

My new helper is new to the south, we can’t even talk!

A great example of this difference is how they each refer to carbonated soft drinks.

Person 1: I’m going and get a coke you want a coke? 

Person 2: Uh no I’m good, I’m good. I don’t want a Coke.

Person 1: All right whatever

Person 2: I’ll take a Mountain Dew 

Person 1: I just asked you if you wanted a coke, you said no I don’t want a coke. what you playing mind games? So you want a Coke? 

Person 2: I want a Mountain Dew 

Person 1: That’s a Coke 

Person 2: It’s not the same. Coke don’t even make Mountain Dew, Pepsi does

via Miss Cellania

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.