A Creatively Bizarre Short Film About a Dozen Eggs Shot by Michel Gondry Entirely on an iPhone 13 Pro

Creative filmmaker Michel Gondry made a wonderfully creative and bizarre short film about a dozen eggs that was shot entirely on an iPhone 13 Pro. The film features a variety of scenarios in which an egg might be found but the context is turned upside-down. There are also a number of scenarios where they might not be found but in Gondry’s brilliant mind, they belong.

What happens when you take a dozen eggs, add iPhone 13 Pro and throw in the inventive mind of Michel Gondry? The simple becomes cinema.

Gondry explains how he came of these varying ideas and how they were implemented.

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.