Mama Bear and Her Cubs Repeatedly Mess With Trail Cameras
Researchers at Voyageurs Wolf Project in northwest Minnesota shared footage of a determined mother bear and her three cubs messing with the cameras documenting activity on the wildlife trails on five separate occasions.
This mama bear has trained her 3 cubs to be weapons of mass camera destruction that will terrorize any trail camera found in the woods for years to come. This little gang messed with our two cameras at a remote beaver pond on 5 different occasions over the course of a year.
While this scene may look amusing, it does not present that way to the Project.
Now, you might be tempted to think ‘They just look so cute and sweet and innocent!’. But don’t be fooled. These are highly-trained deviants prowling the woods in search of technology to destroy. And some day these cubs will have cubs of their own and the desire to inflict chaos and carnage on cameras will be passed on to the next generation. And so on and so forth. And a day will come when no camera will be safe in the woods.