A Skittish Kitten and a Lonely Pit Bull Slowly Become the Best of Friends in the Pixar Animated Short ‘Kitbull’

In the truly poignant hand-drawn Pixar SparkShorts animated short film “Kitbull” by Rosana Sullivan, a tiny, skittish stray kitten who cuddles up with a plush pink elephant in a cardboard box atop a pile of junk discovers that a big pit bull has moved in. At first, the kitten is frightened and even draws blood with a few sharp-nailed swipes, but eventually realizes that the dog is very lonely, ignored by humans and starved for affection. A rainstorm came in and washed all of the kitten’s belongings away. An orange bottle cap that was left behind becomes a catalyst for communication between the two animals, although the kitten is still very skittish. After a particularly bloody spat, the kitten tentatively sidles up to and cuddles next to the pit bull and purrs. The dog responds in kind, creating an inseparable bond that would carry them to happier days.

Kitbull, directed by Rosana Sullivan and produced by Kathryn Hendrickson, reveals an unlikely connection that sparks between two creatures: a fiercely independent stray kitten and a pit bull. Together, they experience friendship for the first time.

Director Rosana Sullivan and producer Kathryn Hendrickson talk about making the film and provide behind-the-scenes footage.

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.