Keming and Other T-Shirts for Type Nerds


Okay, this a straight up response to the CSS IS AWESOME ‘mug shot’ posted earlier.

I was reminded of the above awesome shirt that was posted as an idea on the Ironic Sans blog (there are a lot of other great and funny ideas on the site).

Then I took a little survey of funny-type shirts online, here are some of the best:

HelFuckingVetica and Fear of a Cooper Black Planet

Love both of these. Sold via Wire & Twine and designed by Subtraction.

Here are a few wry type-slinger wares from Veer

Extra Black

Lorem Ipsum Mesh

KERN Zip-up

Lots more typographysterical shirts on, I can’t fit them all here.


I am so not going to comment on this Zazzle t-shirt by Glorious SOBs.

MyFonts does it with character(s)

From the MyFonts blog.

And then there’s the mighty Helbotica…


Helbotica from Chop Shop features on the list of 10 Shirts Every Type Nerd Must Own courtesy of along with 8 shirts not shown here (and one that is). I urge you to check ’em out.

By the way, I am very not a type nerd myself. I’ve just known quite a few over the years. And I enjoy studying the humor of bizarre subcultures.

Yes, the joke font springs eternal. *ducks*

images via Ironic Sans, Subtraction, Veer, Glorious SOBs, MyFonts Blog & Chop Shop


Actor, nerd, poet, producer, writer mikl-em made his name short so you wouldn't have to. In addition to his blog you can find his writing in "Hi Fructose" magazine and witness him almost life-sized in various plays at The Dark Room Theater in SF's Mission district.

He tends to write about theater, humor, San Francisco culture and history, and stuff that's just plain weird. He thanks Scott for sharing the keys to the Laughing Squid virtual HQ and promises to uphold whatever it is that the mirthful cephalopod would prefer to be uplifted.