Glenn Campbell Shreds the Chet Atkins Guitar Adaptation of Boots Randolph’s ‘Yakety Sax’
In a 1969 episode of Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour, the eponymous host ended the concert section of his show with the Chet Atkins guitar adaptation of Boots Randolph‘s song “Yakety Sax“, affectionately entitled “Yakety Axe“. Campbell impressively shredded the song at lightning speed without missing a single beat.
We usually end the concert section with a banjo tune, but tonight we’re gonna play one of Chet Atkins’ and Boots Randolph’s favorites called “Yakety Sax”.
The song may sound familiar as it was used quite often throughout the run of the The Benny Hill Show
The amazing Boots Randolph performing “Yakety Sax”
The legendary Chet Atkins performing “Yakety Axe” in 1991.
Chet Atkins, Boots Randolph and Ray Stevens performing the song with sax, axe and piano, together in 1993.