The Designer Behind The Rolling Stones ‘Hot Lips’ Logo
Great Big Story visited John Pasche, the designer behind the iconic “Hot Lips” logo for The Rolling Stones, who explained how he got the call that would change his life.
I was at the Royal College up to 1970, doing three years at a design course there. Well I was in my last year and the college got a phone call from the Stones’ office saying, ‘would a student go along and talk to Mick Jagger about a forthcoming, tour.’ …I got the gig.
Pasche talked about how he met with Mick Jagger at his home to discuss ideas and how that meeting inspired his initial design.
…I got a letter and then a call asking if I’d go and meet Mick Jagger at his house in Cheyne Walk. .. he showed me a cutting that he found in the local news agent.The image was of the Indian goddess Kali with her tongue sticking out. And I think it was that moment that was the real spark.
He also made clear that the logo was based upon a woman, not Jagger,
Some people say to me that it was inspired by Mick Jagger’s mouth, but in fact it wasn’t. I always saw it as basically a woman’s mouth because I wanted to use a very strong red, obviously to grab attention.