Spot, the incredibly nimble four-legged robot by Boston Dynamics (previously) that can accomplish an amazing variety of functional tasks, has a new appendage. This handy Spot Arm can easily manipulate doors, gather laundry and trash, can turn switches and levers on and off, along with other household chores.
Grasp, lift, carry, place, and drag a variety of items with the arm’s 6-degrees of freedom and gripper. Semi-autonomously turn valves, flip levers, open doors, and manipulate other objects with constrained movement.
A couple of Spots with arms can even play a respectable game of jump rope whenever there’s free time.
The Spot Arm is also very good at moving things from one place to another and inspecting problems that need attention.
Boston Dynamics posted an adorable video of their upgraded SpotMini, four-legged doglike robot, using an articulating arm and clamp to open a door for its SpotMini robot pal.
Since 2015, we've been periodically writing about Spot, a nimble four-legged robot by Boston Dynamics (previously) that can accomplish an amazing variety of tasks, including the occasional twerk. Now Boston Dynamics is making Spot available for purchase with options for customization. To advertise this fact, the company has put together…
SpotMini is a new all-electric robot built by Boston Dynamics. The 65 lb robot features a single large arm that makes it resemble a small Brontosaurus. The robot's end effector features an oversized pair of googly eyes making it look like an animal's head. SpotMini can maneuver through tight spaces…
Boston Dynamics has really been upping their game lately. First with a parkour performing Atlas and now a dancing Spot. Their talented four-legged robot showed off some fancy gyrating moves in perfect rhythm with the Mark Ronson/Bruno Mars collaboration "UpTown Funk".
When Steve Jurvetson and friends took "Spot", the four-legged Boston Dynamics robot out for a walk, they encountered a confused little dog who circled the parking lot, barked incessantly and couldn't stop staring at the foreign creature that perhaps seemed like a robotic version of himself. See Spot Run —…
Lori Dorn
Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.