Trailer for ‘Bartkira’, A Version of the Classic Anime ‘AKIRA’ Featuring ‘The Simpsons’ Characters
Curator James Harvey and producer Kaitlin Sullivan created an animated trailer for a version of the classic anime AKIRA featuring The Simpsons characters under the “Bartkira” collaborative art project based on an original idea by Ryan Humphrey. The project consists mostly of several volumes of comics.
In the days of old, deep in the dredges of the “Do the Bartman” VHS, there was a trailer.
In partnership with Chicken Tonight, Butterfinger, and CC Lemon, the early 90s execs of Fox and Toho made an animated short. An attempt to appeal to American consumers without having to spend a lot of money. Until a changing of the guard decided the kids needed more Poochie and it was lost…until today.