Three Powerful First-Person Military Narratives Animated by StoryCorps in Honor of Veteran’s Day
StoryCorps, the oral history project that has recorded and archived “over 50,000 interviews with over 90,000 participants” since 2003, has animated three incredibly powerful first-person…
Adorable Australian Shepherd Puppies Try to Climb Aboard a Big Yellow Swing
The Pet Collective caught the sight of three powerfully adorable Australian Shepherd puppies who tried to climb aboard a big yellow swing, but became much…
Illustrated Prints That Pair Together a City’s Iconic Architecture With Its Signature Drink
The Irish design agency me&him&you has created these intriguing black-and-white illustrated prints that pair together a city’s iconic architecture with its signature drink. For example,…
Marnie the Long-Tongued Shih Tzu Dog Spins in Circles for Her Dinner
Marnie, the adorable little senior rescued dog with a long tongue and a lopsided grin, spins in happy circles whenever her human says that it’s…
Japanese Distillery Nikka Yoichi Demonstrates the Fiery Process of Charring a Whisky Aging Barrel
While Potluck Video was visiting the Nikka Yoichi Distillery in Hokkaido, Japan, a worker demonstrated the amazing fiery process of charring a whisky aging barrel.…
Timo the Cat Rolls Across the Floor On a Dolly, Lays in Bed Like a Human and Is Very Happy Just Being Himself
While his human was doing renovations on their home, an adventurous Timo the Ragdoll took it upon himself to use a rolling dolly to ride…
Pet Rooster Plays a Mini-Piano With the Help of Some Strategically Placed Seeds
Busy Chipmunks Stuff Their Stretchy Mouths With Oodles of Yummy Acorns
The Pandiaundre Squirrel Cam caught a couple of busy chipmunks stuffing their stretchy mouths with oodles of yummy acorns that they had taken from a…
Playful Black Dog Accidentally Figures Out How to Body Slide Down a Frozen Snowy Hill
A very playful black dog named Rafi accidentally figures how to body slide down a frozen snowy hill, discovers he likes it and keeps going…
Adorably Stubborn Panda Cubs Refuse to Let Their Human Caretaker Give Them Medicine
A couple of adorably stubborn giant pandas cubs do their best to refuse to take the medicine that their human caretaker is offering to them,…