Brave Cat Lands Safely After Accidentally Taking an Unexpected Ride on a Microlight Craft
A sleeping cat awoke to find herself clinging tightly onto the wing of a microlight craft in mid-flight. Luckily the two people aboard noticed the…
Fluffy Long-Haired Cat Repeatedly Puts Herself Between Her Human and His Video Games
A fluffy snow-loving but persistent Maine Coon/Norwegian Forest Cat named Nala repeatedly acts as a physical barrier between her human Alexander and his video game…
Vince Gilligan Confirms That Walter White From ‘Breaking Bad’ Will Appear in a Future Episode of ‘Better Call Saul’
In a recent interview with the New York Daily News, Breaking Bad series creator Vince Gilligan confirmed that Bryan Cranston would reprise his role of…
Marine Expert Explains How Certain Species of Octopus Can Run Away From Predators Using Their Tentacles
New F/X Trailer for the Second Season of ‘Fargo’ Hints at Brewing Trouble in the Frozen Heartland
F/X Networks has released the first promotional trailer for the second season of the hit series Fargo. While the trailer doesn’t give away much about…
Adorable Nine Month Timelapse of Two Growing Puppies Repeatedly Sprinting Toward Their Food
Colby and Bleu, two golden retriever puppies who are also known as “Cheese Patrol”, are captured running for their food around the same corner over…
Terrified Teen Desperately Hangs Onto His Pants as He Flees From Zombies in New Promo for ‘Fear the Walking Dead’
AMC has released “Nick’s Escape“, a new promotional trailer for Fear the Walking Dead the new companion series to the very popular The Walking Dead,…
Unsuspecting Corgi Dog Is Taken by Complete Surprise When a Rock Turns Into a Tortoise
An unsuspecting Corgi named Turbo was taken by complete surprise when the rock that he was quietly contemplating suddenly turned into a tortoise and started…
The Scientific Components Necessary to Make a Real-Life Version of the ‘Doctor Who’ Sonic Screwdriver
In an episode of Because Science, host Kyle Hill posits whether or not the famous sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who can actually be created in…