Julie Andrews Teaches a Group of Young Puppets About the Performing Arts in ‘Julie’s Greenroom’
Julie Andrews and celebrity guests like Alec Baldwin, Ellie Kemper, and Josh Groban teach a group of young puppets about the performing arts in the…
Seth Meyers Stars in ‘Oscar Bait’, A Movie That Caters to Tropes Prized by Academy Awards Voters
Seth Meyers is chasing award season honors with “Oscar Bait“, a movie that caters to all the tropes prized by Academy Awards voters. The trailer…
edges2cats, An Online Tool That Uses a Computer Neural Network to Generate Images of Cats
edges2cats uses a computer neural network trained on stock images of cats to turn simple line drawings into photorealistic feline images. The tool does an…
An Electrical Engineer Tries and Fails to Build a Tesla Coil Vacuum Chamber
ElectroBOOM host Mehdi Sadaghdar wanted to use his Tesla coil inside a vacuum chamber, so he tried to build one himself. Unfortunately he melted his…
A Woman Shows Off Her 1957 Chevy, The Only Car She’s Driven Since Buying It New in 1957
An Album of Electronic Music That Creates Animated Music Videos on an Oscilloscope
Jerobeam Fenderson created the album Oscilloscope Music, which uses electronic music to animate music videos on a Tektronix 5103N oscilloscope. Using different types of software,…
Creative Cuban Business Women Sell Flying Pizzas That Are Lowered From the Roof of a Restaurant
Creative Cuban business women Marta Castaeda and Marta del Barrio operate A Mi Manera (My Way), a pizzeria that lowers their food to their customers…
An Origami-Inspired Ballistic Shield Designed to Stop Bullets and Protect Law Enforcement
Mechanical engineering professors Larry Howell and Terri Bateman and their colleagues at Brigham Young University have developed an origami-inspired ballistic shield that can be easily…
Amateur Divers Talk Themselves Into or Out of Jumping Off a Ten Meter Diving Tower
Amateur divers who answered an online advertisement talk themselves into or out of jumping off a high dive platform in the short documentary “Ten Meter…
How a Large Enough Volcanic Eruption Could Threaten All Human Life on Earth
Volcanic eruptions like Mount St. Helens, Krakatoa, and Mount Vesuvius have had devastating impacts on large areas of the world, but Real Life Lore looks…