Australian Shop Charging Customers a $5 Fee for ‘Just Looking’


Australian gluten-free grocer Celiac Supplies recently posted a sign in their shop’s window that aims to discourage “showroomers,” people who come to check merchandise out in person but then purchase it online, by charging a $5 fee for “just looking.” Adelaidenow spoke to Georgina, the store’s owner, who estimates she spends “hours each week giving advice to people who leave empty-handed.” They quote her as saying, “I can tell straight away who are the rat bags who are going to come in here and pick my brain and disappear.”

Georgina’s sign reads:

Dear Customers,

As of the first of February, this store will be charging people a $5 fee per person for “just looking.”

The $5 fee will be deducted when goods are purchased.

Why has this come about?

There has been high volume of people who use this store as a reference and then purchase goods elsewhere. These people are unaware our prices are almost the same as the other stores plus we have products simply not available anywhere else.

This policy is line with many other clothing, shoe and electronic stores who are also facing the same issue.


photo by redditor BarrettFox

via Consumerist

Rusty Blazenhoff
Rusty Blazenhoff