Arse Elektronika 2007 After Party Tonight at House of Shields

Arse Elektronika 2007

Arse Elektronika 2007 was an amazing event and a huge success. In celebration of this, monochrom is hosting an Arse Elektronika 2007 After Party tonight (Monday, October 8th) at the House of Shields in San Francisco starting at 8pm. This will be an great opportunity to talk to some of the event’s organizers and presenters in a relaxed atmosphere, now that the chaos of running a conference is over.

We invite you to a nice little Arse Elektronika (or whatever) after-(or before)-party.

We are leaving fabulous San Francisco pretty soon, and we’d love to meet all our friends without having to think about cables, video streaming, microphones, lights and fucking machines.

Monday, October 8; 8 PM @ House of Shields (39 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco). (Thanx, Shlomo!)

photo by Scott Beale
Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Threads and sharing photos on Instagram.